French version  English version

Aphabetical list
of all the castles
  1. Alsace
  2. Aquitaine
  3. Auvergne
  4. Bourgogne
  5. Bretagne
  6. Centre
  7. Champagne
  8. Franche Comté
  9. Ile de France
  10. Languedoc
  11. Limousin
  12. Lorraine
  13. Midi Pyrénées
  14. Nord Pas de Calais
  15. Basse Normandie
  16. Haute Normandie
  17. Pays de Loire
  18. Picardie
  19. Poitou Charentes
  20. P.A.C.A.
  21. Rhône Alpes
  22. Corse
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French Medieval Castles

Find in this heading the most interesting French medieval castles among a selection in each French area. Of course, this list is not exhaustive and will supplement we it as we recover files as well as photographs of these monuments.

Innovation: From now on you have the possibility of visualizing European medieval castles while clicking-here.

Click on the area of your choice to reach the various castles.

Bretagne Aquitaine Midi-Pyrénée Languedoc Roussillon Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur Rhône Alpes Basse normandie Haute Normandie Centre Ile de France Picardie Nord Pas de Calais Champagne Ardenne Lorraine Alsace Franche Comté Bourgogne Poitou Charentes Limousin Auvergne Corse Pays de Loire

We remind to you that if you have files on castles of your area and that you wish to transmit them to us in order to supplement the site, we will have a pleasure of integrating them and to quote our sources (with your agreement).

Castle of the month :

Normandy - France
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