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Tarascon Castle

Click on one of the headings below :

  1. History of the castle
  2. Description of the castle
  3. Photo Gallery

Drawn up at the edge of the Rhone, the castle of Tarascon defended the access of the possessions of the counts de Provence. Including/understanding a farmyard preceding the castle itself, the new building, built by Louis II of Anjou since 1400 and finished one half-century afterwards by king Rene, as much the palate as of the fortress with its high naked and almost blind walls holds dissimulating the refined decoration of the home seigneurial and the central court. Prison as from the XVIIIe century, bought by the State in 1926, the castle shelters the exceptional continuation of tapestries of the XVIIe century, acquired by the national Case of the Historic buildings and the Sites, recalling "the history of Scipion".

Web Site
- tarascon/1/Index2.htm
Coordinates of the castle

Castle :

Château de Tarascon
13150 Tarascon

Phone : + 33 4 90 91 01 93 Fax: + 33 4 90 91 02 76

Proprietor :
Stats property - Listed monument

Date and schedule from the visits

The castle is open all days :

- on April 1 at September 30 of 9h at 19h
- on October 1 at March 31 of 9h at 12h and 14h at 17h

The castle is closed on January 1, May 1, 1st and November 11, December 25.

Castle of the month :

Normandy - France
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