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Castle of Dourdan

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  1. History of the castle
  2. Photo Gallery

The castle of Dourdan was built about 1222 for Philippe Auguste. Kings and large lords were the successive owners. At the end of the XVIIe century, it was given to the duke of Orleans which transformed it into prison. This function remained until 1852. This fortress, classified Historic building in 1964, is a remarkable example of military architecture which preserved its courtines, its turns its ditches and especially a circular keep isolated from the castle itself. All the defensive system is thus still visible.

Web Site
Coordinates of the castle

Castle :

Castle of Dourdan
Place du Général de Gaulle
91410 Dourdan

Phone: + 33 1 64 59 66 83

Proprietor :
City property - Listed monument

Date and schedule from the visits

The castle is open Wednesday to Sunday :

- of 10h at 12h and 14h at 18h (17h Friday)

The castle is closed all January

Castle of the month :

Normandy - France
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