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Castle of Yevre le Châtel

Description of the castle

1 - Castelet

This strengthened door defends the entry of the "Low court" in which the population could take refuge. The small lords of the surroundings had their house there. A monastery was installed there. To reach it, one crossed the ditch on a opening bridge.

2 - The Access east

The pile, opposite the door, thanks to a mobile footbridge, made it possible to reach the high court. To enter, one passes under a "pole-axe" the soldiers who were on the courtine could make fall from the stones on those which were presented. There were then a harrow and a door with two casements which was blocked by two bars of reinforcement: one was installation by inserting it, the other while turning it. The turns are very projecting. The base broader (glacis) and is built out of larger and well installed stones. Inside, it is a full slope. Notice the loopholes along the wall: it is an unusual provision, intended to prevent the enemy from approaching the walls. Notice the arc which goes from the base of a tower to the other. It is a relieving arch used speak Byzantine as of the Life century which supports the wall (courtine); if the attacker digs a gallery (sap) under the wall, that Ci does not break down. At the beginning of XIIIe, it is an innovation for the Occident, brought back Crusades under Philippe Auguste.

3 - High court

Its level was definitely lower. The Western half was occupied by housing of the garrison.

4 - The home

In each part the traces of the chimneys remain. The Western Northern room, as well as the following ones besides, was crossed by two arcs which supported the beams of the floor of the higher stage. Notice the beautiful columns with the carved capitals on which these arcs were pressed.

5 - Southern Face

It is here that one sees best the ditch. It did not contain water but separated the artificial hillock (mound) from the plate. II was dug to pile up the ground in the medium and to create a dominant position. Thus, the height of the walls was increased.

6 - Western Face

An old drawing shows a tower separate of the castle, and connected by a footbridge which one sees the departure under the windows. Those Ci make it possible to light the home.

7 - Western Northern Turn

The vaults are supported by intersecting ribs. The staircase is spared in 1 thickness of the wall, with openings which make it possible to supervise each room and, if need be, to shoot at the attacker. Notice the firing angles of the loopholes.

8 - Northern Face

one sees to 6 m of the ground the second exit of the castle. II also an underground on this side had there.

Castle of the month :

Normandy - France
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