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Castle of Yevre le Chatel

Click on one of the headings below :

  1. History of the castle
  2. Description of the castle
  3. The Church and Village
  4. Photo Gallery

Located on a rocky outcrop dominating Rimarde, Yèvre was a fortified town a long time that the Romans occupied. At the beginning of XIIe century, Louis VI the Large one repurchased the stronghold to make a royal châtellenie of it and the prévôté seat of one. The current castle was built under the reign of Philippe Auguste (at the beginning of XIIIe). The visit includes the castle, the postern, the ramparts, the Saint-Gault church and the vestiges of the Saint-Lubin church. The village of Yèvre le Châtel is classified among "The Most Beautiful Villages of France". particularly thanks the Companions for the châtellenie for the texts as well as the information on this one.

Web Site
- No website
Coordinates of the castle

Castle :

Castle of Yèvre le Châtel
45300 Yèvre le Châtel

Phone : + 33 (0) 2 38 34 25 91 Fax: + 33 (0) 2 38 34 26 66

Proprietor :
Village property - Listed monument

Date and schedule from the visits

The castle is open all days :

- on April 1 at November 1 of 14h at 18h

Guided tour for the groups all the year on go.

The castle is closed of November 2 at 31 the Mars.

- Adult: 3€
- Child: 2€ before free for less than 6 years

Castle of the month :

Normandy - France
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